Tuesday, October 25, 2011

WinCo Woes

I love WinCo Foods!

I was first introduced to WinCo April 2009. My friend took me there to break my Lent Fast. I had given up sugar for 40 days. To break it, he took me to WinCo where I was introduced to their Bulk Candy section. I’ve never gone anywhere else for candy, chocolate covered banana chips or bird seed ($0.38 per lbs.)! They have everything you could want in bulk. It’s pretty fabulous. So now, whenever we need a candy fix, we go to WinCo.

Well, a couple months ago, my co-worker brought in the BEST bagels I’ve ever had!!! Guess where she got them? That’s right, Baby – WINCO!!! So today, I had to drop my mom off at work at 6:15am. I don’t start work till 7 but I’m a stickler when it comes to punctuality. However, I decided I would have time to run to Winco and get everyone a bagel for breakfast. SO! I RUN into Winco, I RUN run to the bagels, grab 12 delicious bagels and RUN to the back to get cream cheese. Grabbed the cream cheese and RUN to the front and oh my gosh, this WOMAN!!!! 6:30am and she had 2 CARTS FULL OF GROCERIES!!!! And like a million things of produce so the check out person was going SO SLOW!!! Now comes the worst part....

THERE WAS ONE PERSON CHECKING OUT!!!! ONE PERSON!!!!!! I had three things! THREE!!! I asked, "Excuse me, is there anyone who can come check me out." And she said, "I'm sorry, they're all stocking." I was SO MAD!!!! I was like, "EFF THIS!" Threw my bagels up in the air, chucked the big tub of plain cream cheese and the checkout person and the veggie cream at the woman with the groceries and RAN OUT THE DOOR!!!!

Ok, so that didn’t happen but it should’ve gone down like that!!!! I was so angry as I set my bagels down and RAN out the door, leaving them behind – at the mercy of the Orcs!!!

I was FUMING the whole way to work!!! I was so mad when I got here and told everyone how disappointed I was in WinCo!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Terrible-Awful-No Good-Very Bad Day!

Today has just been one terrible, awful, no good, very bad day. Everything seems to have gone wrong.

I overslept. When I got out of bed, my whole body seemed to be screaming at me to climb back into bed. I’m SO SORE from my workout yesterday. My arms still feel like dead weights. I didn’t have time to wash my hair so my hair is pulled back in a ponytail and anyone who knows me, knows I HATE wearing my hair up! I put my face makeup on but didn’t have time to do anything to my eyes, so I packed my eye makeup up in a bag and forgot it at home…

When I got on the trax train, I realized I left my new car door unlocked. There’s nothing to steal but people are sick, I’ve been stressing all day that I’ll get to my car and my leather seats will be slashed apart.

Got into work and realized that my clean shirt still had a stain on it. And my favorite shoes (knock-off of TOMS) got a hole in the toe! Oh my gosh, I look like a SCRUB today!! And I see over 200 people a day! I thought I had been here at work for at least an hour and it was 19 minutes later… This is just NO GOOD!!!

I received an email from my boss that I’ve been getting too many tardies lately and needed to work on that. (I blame my Dad ENTIRELY on this matter).

I just want to go home, stand in a steaming hot shower for 40 minutes, watch Law and Order and go to bed at a reasonable hour!!!

Seriously, lets get this duche of a day over with…

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Mother's Gift

My beautiful mother presented me with this poem for my birthday. As she read it to me, she started to cry. Which, of course, made me cry.

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
- Lord Byron, 1841

She is so wonderful and I could not be more moved or humbled by what she feels and views me as:

One of the many things I obtained from my mother is a love of beautiful poetry that expands the mind and opens the soul. I am so grateful and overjoyed to be considered special or worthy enough to be sent to the home of the most wonderful, generous, Christ-like couple.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Next thing I know... I'll be filing for Medicare

Wow, I can’t believe I’m 24-years-old tomorrow! It’s so crazy to think about. According to the unofficial Utah Young Woman Manual, I should be married, pregnant with my second child, have a quilting table set up in the corner with wet clothes hanging on it, and have at least half a year’s supply of emergency preparedness. For the standard Utah Mormon Girl cliché, I am far behind.
I remember when my best friend, Natalie got married, I cried alligator tears the entire way home. Sobbing, “Oh my gosh! I’m 19 years old and not married! I don’t even have a boyfriend! Stop by the pet store… I need to run in and get a cat!!! It’s over! No one will marry this old maid now!” =)

5 years later, I can laugh and thank God, I didn’t get married at such a young age. I think it’s great, all the girls that find and man who will take care of them and love them forever. I admire their pluck for getting an early jumpstart on things. I honestly don’t think I could have done it.

I have learned in the last couple years, it has nothing to do with me as a woman or person. It just wasn’t time… A hard lesson to learn but a lesson that has made me the confident woman I am today.

Looking back now, I wouldn’t trade my experiences over the last few years, for anything. I can see my Heavenly Father’s hand in everything that has happened to me and all I’ve been through… It’s crazy how much I have experienced! And I have learned so much the past year.
Thing that come to mind now:

• Doesn’t matter if you have four-wheel drive. Prayer, and God alone is the reason you get home to your family safely during snow storms.
• It’s surprising how fast my Dad and I can make up after the worst father-daughter fights that would make the Manson Family shrink into a corner.
• Aimee becoming “the dramatic one” is the reason we are so close now.
• Marriage is over-rated… Especially during Valentines Day.
• The only time marriage doesn’t seem over-rated is in the delivery room.
• It’s amazing how many holidays can pass you by while you’re in school.
• I can handle 6 months of 50 hours of school a week and 30 at work before having a complete nervous collapse. Yessss…
• No matter how much momentum I think have, getting up for 7am classes during the summer is just plain stupid.
• If I wasn’t planning on doing any kind of drugs before - Seeing a tweaked out guy peel a dead cat off Redwood road, fling it into a cemetery across the street and go along his merry way, will sure do it…
• If you happen to be in a situation where you witness a tweaked out guy peel a dead cat off a road with his bare hands, make sure you have someone with you to hold on to… your knees will become very weak…
• I don’t care what anyone says about Diamonds, Diet Coke is a girl’s best friend.
• It’s amazing the difference how 60 girlfriends you see every day can affect your life, and how much it sucks when suddenly, they’re not there anymore.
• After years of this, I still refuse to believe that guys and girls can’t just be friends!
• A loyal friend is never far away (even if they move to Provo – Sssskk…)
• I still cry when R-Tex dies in Never Ending Story
• In the past year, I have become attractive to a series of older men
• Even if said men aren’t wearing a wedding ring, doesn’t mean they’re not married… Always be sure. (I swear I had no idea!)
• It’s amazing how down-hill your life seems after knocking one degree down…
• Getting a new car is fun, but more frustrating than I ever thought.
• When you go out with someone mid 20’s or older and they won’t open the door for you, no use fighting it, they’re most likely set in their pro-feminist ways.
• Living at home is not a problem when you’re best friends with everyone residing in it.
• Having a sister as a best friend was worth waiting 23 years for. =D
• I thought my mind set that death is romantic was my weird Emo phase. Nope, I still would prefer a couple to die at the end of a story than get married. Way more romantic.
• Just recently I discovered I don’t like my food to have eyes staring at me… but yes, I will eat it.

This year has been so crazy! And I can’t believe I’m 24 years old! One year away from being a quarter of a century old! I’m in love with this crazy beautiful life I have and have a lot to show for it! I am so grateful for all the people who have made me who I am today.

It’s taken me 24 years to realize and believe that everything I need, I already have. And everything I don’t have will come to me when I’m ready to receive it. God is in his heaven, all’s right with the world.

“Young in limbs, in judgment old.” –William Shakespeare
(Merchant of Venice Act II, Sc. 7)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My New Car!

Well, after many months of stressing and being stranded. I finally purchased a new car (Yep, I'm all grown up.)

I had NO idea what I wanted or what I was going to end up with. I had so many dealers look at me with such confusion as I kept repeating, "I don't care... I don't care." I just wanted a good car!
"What color do you want?"
"I don't care."
"What kind of interior do you prefer?"
"I don't care."
"Ooooookay??? So what are you looking for?"
"I'm looking for something that won't blow up in my face on I2-15 (happened twice) Something where I don't have to hold my breath every time I turn the key and pray to god it starts. Something that I don't have to worry about kissing my loved ones goodbye or update my will everytime I go to the store. Hopefully something where I don't feel like every time I buckle my seatbelt I think 'Maybe it would be better if I was thrown from this car?' And I would prefer to have a car that will last me long enough for the towing company to forget my name..."

After many failed attempts and nervous breakdowns, my wonderful sister and her husband got in touch with his brother-in-law and found me a FABULOUS car!!! Only problem was it's a manual. I can't drive a manual. . . These past three days have been REALLY exciting! :) I know I'll get it soon though... She's a beauty (all my cars in the past were boys - No wonder they let me down. Ladies? Am I right?) But Dark Angel is going to be different.

She's stunning!!! Black, leather heated seats, sunroof, all-wheel drive, nice tires and brakes, cassette player - Oh yeah!! :) I honestly couldn't be happier. . . And I am SO grateful for all the help my family gave me. I am so blessed! <3

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Dear America ,

You produced Miley Cyrus. Bieber is your punishment.



Dear Yahoo,

I've never heard anyone say, "I don't know, let's Yahoo! it..." Just saying...



Dear 2010,

So I hear the best rapper is white and the president is black? WTH happened?!



Dear Skin-Colored Band Aids,

Please make one for every skin color.

Black people


Dear Twilight fans,

Please realize that because vampires are dead and have no blood pumping through them, they can never have an erection.
Enjoy fantasizing about that.



Dear Icebergs,

Sorry to hear about the global warming. Karma's a bitch.

The Titanic


Dear Scissors,

I feel your pain.....no one wants to run with me either.

Sarah Palin


Dear Customers,

Yes, we ARE making fun of you in Vietnamese.

Nail Salon Ladies


Dear Ugly People,

You're welcome.



Dear World,

Please stop freaking out about 2012.
Our calendars ended there because some Spanish d-bags invaded our country and we got a little busy ok?

The Mayans


Dear White People,

Don't you just hate immigrants?

Native Americans


Dear iPhone,

Please stop spell checking all of my rude words into nice words. You piece of shut.

Every iPhone User


Dear Trash,

At least you get picked up....

The Girls of Jersey Shore

Monday, September 26, 2011

Crazy Random Facts I Found Out!

Can you believe this??? A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. (O.M.G.!!!)

A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. Creepy!

(I'm still not over the pig.)

The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off. (Honey, I'm home . What the...?)

The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.

(30 minutes. Lucky pig! Can you imagine?)

The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds. (What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)

Some lions mate over 50 times a day.

(I still can't believe that pig ...quality over quantity.)

Butterflies taste with their feet. (Something I always wanted to know.)

Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump. (Okay, so that would be a good thing.)

A cat's urine glows under a black light. (I wonder how much the government paid to figure that out.)

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. (I know some people like that.)

Starfish have no brains. (I know some people like that, too.)

Polar bears are left-handed. (Talk about a southpaw. Gosh I'm clever!:)

Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
(What about that pig? Do the dolphins know about the pig?)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

New Job Woes

Well, I started my full time job this week. It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be for the soul purpose that my WHEELCHAIRS KEEP DISAPPEARING!!! I can handle the people coming in here looking for the elevators that are literally RIGHT in front of them, or the people suddenly surprised they live in America and don't believe that I can't speak spanish. I can even handle the child running around my fishtank a hundred times, screaming at the top of his lungs while his mother has her phone plastered to her ear. But the Nancy Drew's Case of the Mysterious Wheelchairs has got to end!

I remember, the previous girl who had this job use to complain about the wheelchair situation. I remember thinking, “Geez, they’re just wheelchairs, calm down.” OH MY GOSH!! It is SO difficult! I know this sounds like the dumbest work problem EVER – But there is nothing worse than a patient coming in needing a wheelchair and there aren’t any left.

I am in charge of 12 wheelchairs and when I come in the morning there are like 5 there! I feel like a frustrated shepherd! Rounding them up is a joke! I asked the secretaries here how Lyndsey used to handle it… They just said, “Every department called her the Chair Nazi… She’s ruthless.” What a lame thing to be a Nazi about. I get that way when I lend someone one of my TV Seasons on DVD. But everyday it gets harder and harder and I find myself getting meaner and meaner. Today was the last straw.

I thought this was so funny, I had to blog it. This is an email conversation between me and my best friend, Natalie:

From: Ashley Romrell
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 11:40 AM
To: Natalie Godnick
This guy came and grabbed a wheelchair, ran outside, got his mother out of the car, then ran inside. The elevator door was open and he BEELINED for it. He got in, just in time for the door to close. I don’t even remember grabbing my clipboard and pen but somehow I got to the door just in time for my leg to catch it!!! The door opened, and I calmly said, "What's your last name sir?" He was like, "*Exhale sharply* I'M GOING TO BRING IT BACK!" "Yes, I'm sure you are. What's your last name sir?" Hahahaha

This is going to be a problem... I can feel it!

Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 1:48 PM
To: Ashley Romrell
Subject: RE:

The elevator is about to close when suddenly, a sexy high heeled foot stops the door. The man looks at the heel and his eyes follow the smooth tan leg up to her torso, peeps at her chest, and then to her face. She’s got dark loosely curled hair and black square glasses. There is a clipboard on her arm and a pen in her hand, “Excuse me sir, what is your last name?” “I’ll bring it right back!” She lowers her glasses to her nose and looks at him intensely. “Yes, I’m sure you will. What is your last name?”…. “…Johanson,” he whispers, as he bows his head in shame.

Oh this email killed me!!! We are so funny!!

So the adventure begins… I need a name even SCARIER than The Chair Nazi. Something that will strike fear into the hearts of men (and that freaking child running around my lobby). So help me out here. I need good, scary name... and costume ideas =)

I seriously wonder how long it will be before I tackle someone to the ground? It’s going to happen…

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

No words can describe this message I needed to learn...

God is an artist and you are a work of art, unique and beautiful. You are a work of art in progress, a divine poem being written on the pages of time.

You don’t have to twist yourself into a pretzel to become someone you are not. You don’t have to squeeze yourself into a tight little box to fit someone else’s expectations. God and your Divine right that you are his, have given you permission to be yourself.

Breathe a sigh of relief. Let go of what you have been holding onto so tightly. Open your hands and release your spirit. Let the Divine Presence enter the temple of your heart. Allow healing to begin. Allow growth and change to happen. It will be all right. Let life flow through the center of your being. Bask in the sunlight of God’s love. You are beloved and you are becoming. God is removing all obstacles, all stumbling blocks, all sin, disappointment, and failure. You have spent too much time beating yourself up for the wrong reasons. No one needs to tell you about your sins, your shortcomings, and all the times you failed to make the right decision and follow through on it. You know these things in you heart of hears. Your very cells carry the memory and the pain.

But God does not leave you in your misery. The Divine intent is life – Christ is the fullness of life itself, and you share in that fullness. Healing, forgiveness, and love are there for you. Open your heart and open your hands – You can and will receive it.

You have permission to receive this loving flow of healing. You do not have to earn it, or buy it, or steal it from someone else. The ever flowing fountain of life streams from the center of your heart through God. You just need to ‘Be still, and know that I am God.’ Be sill in the silence of God’s love and acceptance.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Crazy Week of Confessions!

Sorry this post is so long!!! I know they're not supposed to be...

So last week, I found out that I can get a bachelors degree in like a year and a half after I’m done with my Associates. It’s something I’m really not interested in but there isn’t anything I can’t do with this degree! I could do whatever I wanted! It applies my Associates of Applied Science Degree (Which I got with my hair school) and that’s why I can get it done so fast. I will graduate with a Bachelors of Science in Technology Management. Doesn’t that just SOUND cool!?  Man, I’m so stressed!!! I have the next 5 years of my life planned and seriously, I felt nothing could get in the way. I’ve been SO gung ho about school the last two years I’ve completely blocked everything else out. Well now I’m done with hair school so I feel a little lost… but now I have another plan so it’s gung ho again… *sigh* I’m so tired to think about it…

This week has been SO CRAZY!!! I don’t even know where to start. Ok, I’ll try to give you the short version. (Background info) My Esthetics instructor, Suzi’s her name. She’s completely fabulous! She’s all about the energy of the universe, everything happens for a reason. Horoscopes, Reflexology, mind over matter, etc. She’s crazy cool! I believe in ALL that stuff too. I just don’t practice it… But she’s completely fantastic and I love her with all my heart. (Background info over) So Monday, I went into class and my thumb went numb. It was horrible! I was like, “Oh crap! This is like a stroke thing right?” Hahaha so for like an hour, I just kept trying to feel SOMETHING in my thumb. It was like getting shot up with Novocain. It was horrible! So Suzi was like, “I’m sure you’re just overstressed.” I’ve heard of faces going numb but only for a day or so. She said, “Come over here and I’ll do some energy work on your thumb.” Hahaha! I was all for it. Like I said, I totally believe in all that stuff, as unusual as I think it is.
So I go over there and sit in front of her. She takes a vile from the end of one of her many necklaces and opens it (just essential oil.) She puts a little drop on my thumb and starts to rub it in. Then she takes both of my hand in hers and closes her eyes. I was getting SO into it … So she was doing all this “Energy work” You know, cleansing my ora, giving me positive energy. Then I opened my eyes and she had tears running down her face. I was like, “WHAT THE CRAP?!” She just had tears streaming from her eyes. I was like, “Oh crap… I have cancer… I’m going to die.” Then she opened her eyes and said, “I’m sorry – I don’t know why I’m crying…” I didn’t say anything. She went on. “Ashley (which was weird itself... She always calls me Batina) … You like your life *pause* Scheduled – don’t you?” “Yes.” “Everything you do revolves around your schedule. Not just daily life but your future and your goals…” “Yes.” This was so creepy. This woman knew nothing about me and yet she knew everything about me! “You have the next few years of your life planned and you’re on a path to get there.” “Yes.” “Ashley… your guardian angels are telling you to Stop.” (WHAT?) “You’re so focused on your goals that you’re missing out on your life. You need to slow down and gain some balance back.” (My parents have been telling me this for over a year) She went on, “Your guardian angels are trying to communicate with you, but you don’t listen. I get the feeling you pray – you just don’t listen.” At this point, I’m sobbing! So was she. We were just crying together. She kept going, “It’s good to have goals but you’re missing out on opportunities that could change your life. You need to take risks, you’re extremely careful about what you do in your life cuz you don’t want to detract from your goals.” She was SO RIGHT!! I’ve said that for years! I haven’t really dated anyone cuz a guy would just get in the way of my goals and mess things up. I haven’t been open to anything cuz I have my life planned out already. She kept going, “You need to start listening to God and your guardian angels. Stop being focused on your plan and start being open to the plan that the universe has for you. Take risks, start living your life. If you don’t, you’re going to look back and ask yourself ‘What if?’" I have been so scared for years of what she was telling me and it was all true! I just couldn’t believe it…
So I left school that day, went home and told my mom and she started to cry and said, “Seriously Ash. She was so right. You’re life is completely out of balance. You need to take time to get your life back in balance. With singing, music, spirituality the most. You’ve been neglecting everything that makes you happy because they were ‘getting in the way’”

Anyway, so I decided that day that I was just going to be more open, take risks and not regretting them. So this week has been INSANE!

I’m trying to finally patch things up with a close friend of mine. Our friendship has been really awkward since he’s been home from his mission and I just want things to get back to normal. We are still trying to work things out and talk it over but it’s good to FINALLY get things clears away and move on.

I texted this guy who I’ve had a crush on for two years but the last few months have been unbearable! Don’t even know the guy and still, I think he’s so fantastic. (Part of the reason is my cute mom thinks he is.) I think my hopes dramatically rose a few weeks ago after I showed Suzi a picture of him. She said we would be SO cute together. Then, she said she got “very strong vibes from the picture” After closing her eyes and contemplating a bit she said we were going to get married and have 3 kids (two boys and a girl) Bahahaha!! I love her!!!!

Anyway, I texted him and said, “Hey Jeff, I just have to get this out. I think you are so fantastic and I’ve had the biggest crush on you for a very long time! I know nothing will ever come of it since you’ve never shown any interest in me. I just had to tell you. I think you’re so smart, talented and crazy cute!” He wrote back and was like, “Wow! Thanks! I’m flattered… who is this?” I was like, “I can’t tell you – too embarrassed.” He said, “You don’t have to be embarrassed. I admire your boldness.” After a while. I said, “It’s Ashley Romrell. I’ve asked you to hang out twice with no luck. I accepted my rejection until recently when I started telling my friends about ‘this crush that will be the death of me’ did the peer pressure begin.” He was like, “Wow. Well, thanks for being bold and telling me. I think it would be fun to get a group together to something fun sometime.” I was hoping for more of a “Really? Oh praise the heavens and the stars! I’ve been in love with you too but you’re just so amazingly fantastic I never thought you would return my love! Marry me!” Hahaha just kidding. I was quite disappointed but oh well. No regrets. We talked a tiny bit and I just said, “Well, it was thrilling to talk to you Jeff. Have a good night.” And that was that. I don’t’ expect him to text me ever again but at least I don’t have to wonder ‘What if?’ Hopefully this confession I shared can gain me some closure… Whew…

All I need is a great guy who will make me laugh, go on long walks in the rain and take me to the opera - Is that too much to ask? :-/ Bahaha!

This week has just been so insanely crazy and I hope it continues to bring new things that will change my life. I’m going to really try to be open to more possibilities now and grow closer to my Savior. Trust in him to lead my life without directing him where it should go. I need to have more faith in the Lords plan for me. I really do. I’m so grateful for everything that happened this week and really believe that I needed to hear everything I’ve heard.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

"17 Miracles". . . and just a few in my own life.

This past week I went and saw 17 Miracles twice. Once with my dear friend, Kade. Another time with my parents. Oh it was SO GOOD!!!!
The story was fantastic, the costumes were great and the makeup was beyond fantastic! It really portrayed what it must have been like. It was just such a great movie with so much truth and hope in it. A great Testimony builder. I am so grateful for the faith of those pioneers. They were willing to give EVERYTHING they had including their lives for the opportunity to step a foot into Zion. Those who didn't make it left profound words before they died such as, "It will all be worth it if my posterity stays true to the faith." and "Tell my son I died with my face turned toward Zion." They knew of the truthfulness of the gospel just as I do, but I left wondering, could I give as much as they did? A woman on a church history tour I went on said something in her testimony that I think of on occasion. She said, "I can say, 'I know the church is true,' but can I say, 'I am true to the church?'"

I have such great examples who are true to the gospel they love so much and I was lucky to see this wonderful movie with them. They are just a few "Miracles" in my own life I get to be a part of.

My wonderful, beautiful, pure Mother who is the greatest example of staying true to the gospel. She is so amazing. Full of patience, faith and trust in the Lord. She is a beakon of light in my life and is a true mother in Zion. I am so grateful for her light and testimony. She is my best friend and I love her with all my heart.

My amazing Dad who is SO strong to this gospel. I've never known anyone more knowledgable about this work and not only knows it, but teaches and lives it everyday of his life! He, along with my Mom and latter day pioneers. He is everything I want in my own eternal companion. I am SO lucky to be his daughter and say we are so much alike, it's scary. I wouldn't change a thing about him and would live every moment of ours together again. He has always been such a fantastic Dad! I remember when he would read to me everynight. He would tell me to look for words on the page. I never tire of his wise counsel and look forward to many more years of it.

I am so grateful and proud to be the daughter of this true and talented couple in Zion :)

And the last person I would like to mention is my close friend, Kade Smith. Kade is so amazing and I hope everyone has someone in their lives for a friend like I do with Kade. He has been my friend since I was 13. I met him in the eighth grade. I don't remember what class I had with him or if I just met him in the lunch room but he has always been a kindred spirit. I will always cherish our memories together. Full of music, laughter, and spiritual experiences. Kade went through a period in his life after high school that although may not have been the best decisions a person could make, I know it shaped him into the INCREDIBLE person he is today. He is such a great example of faith, Endurance and the healing power of the Atonement. I've seen him grow and come so far and I couldn't be happier for him. I couldn't be more proud of a friend than how proud I am of Kade. I hope he knows how wonderful he is and how much I love and look up to him.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Remember Me?

Wow, it has seriously been a long time since I have blogged! I would just like to make a public apology to my fans and followers. Now I know the guilt that Miley Cyrus feels when she forgets to blog every fifteen minutes.

Things have been SO super crazy in my life! HUGE mistake taking summer school. I was SO wiped out last semester that I thought I had enough momentum to make it through the summer. BIG mistake! I am going crazy! If I didn’t have my Cos-Girls (slang for “Cosmetology Girls” – It’s a hair school thing) I don’t know what I would do! But there are a lot of laughs that happen long before any of the normal people in the world are awake. I only have four more weeks left so YAY!! Who wants to take me out to dinner to celebrate? Anyone… Hello?

Saw 17 Miracles this week with my good friend, Kade. (He’s very handsome – and single, ladies if you want me to set something up;) Anyway, the movie was SO fantastic! I cried at least 16 times!! (One of the Miracles wasn’t worth crying over…) Kade and I were the only two people in the theater under 75. A lot of wheezing and blowing into cloth handkerchiefs. . . I couldn’t get over how fantastic the filming, costumes and especially the makeup were! I can’t wait to take my parents (tonight).

We have been into summer for two months now and I have not been swimming ONCE!!! My sister and her boys go like every day! They’ve turned into little Cherokee boys. And my sister looks like Pocahontas! (I hate her) Every time I think I’m getting more and more tan, Aimee walks in and I feel like we could get a gig doing a duet as Ebony and Ivory! So if anyone is going swimming, let me know, I’ll come!

Work has been good. I still work on weekends at a hospital. It’s dead on weekends! (the patient flow, not actual people that are dead everywhere) I work with this guy name Blaine now. He’s a security guard here on weekends. He manages the three buildings that are closed on Saturdays and Sundays so he just sits with me all weekend. We get along great. The first couple months were WAY fun! We’d play games, talk for hours and hours. I told him more about myself than I have told any guy in a VERY VERY VERY long time. He was just so nice and understanding, non-judgmental and really genuine. But like every relationship – Work or otherwise, the Honeymoon phase died off and now we sit in silence for 8 hours. Hahaha But no, Blaine is great and I’m going to miss him when he leaves.

So that’s pretty much all that’s been going on with me. I’ll try to keep you posted on the Epic things that happen in the life of Batina – I’ve been really slacking.

Friday, April 22, 2011

3rd Day before Easter


Passover started and Jesus told His disciples that one of them would betray Him. He then introduced the sacrament to them. Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to suffer for our sins and pray mightily to God. Angry priests and townspeople came to arrest Him. The disciples fled in fear.

What an important day this was... I don't even know if my words can express my feelings towards this day of our Saviors life... I really don't think there are words to express the debt each of us owe that will never be repaid. Words cannot describe what Jesus Christ went through that night as he felt more pain then anyone can even begin to imagine. All the sins, the hurts, the pains both physical, mental and emotional. For all of God's children. Every single one including me and you.

All I can say is, I am SO GRATEFUL for the blessing the Atonement is in my life. The infinite gift that brings hope, joy and comfort in every aspect of it.

I know the Atonement is real. I have felt it's healing power in my life and the life of my family and friends. I know that Christ is mindful of each one of us. D&C 18:10, The worth of every soul is great in the sight of God. Consider the lilies of the field. Everything beautiful around us is a gift from Him. I am so blessed to have this testimony I share with you all. . . reflect on what the Atonement means to you and your life.

Please watch this video and if you would, post your comments about how you felt during it.

4th Day before Easter

Although the scriptures don’t say what Jesus did on this day, we can imagine He spent the day with His disciples, perhaps telling the parable of the ten virgins. See Matthew 25:1-13.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins is one of my favorite... it also scares the crap outta me. . . will I be prepared and be there, ready to meet the Savior at his second coming? Have I done any good in the world today? (I made that up... *eye shift*). Is my oil full so I can find my way to my Savior? I always imagined myself one of the ones who didn't make it, who had the door shut on them by the bridegroom. . . that would be beyond devastating!!! I think we do that a lot as human beings. Most of the time, we think of ourselves as unworthy, worthless, unloved, shut out. But that's not the message of this parable at all.

It's meant to give hope, guidance, and something to look forward to. There are days when I can't WAIT for the second coming to occur (mostly because it feels our world/country is going to hell) and I think, "I'm ready. . . I'm ready for this to be over with!" but I think that's just part of the challenge. Always be ready. Not just when you feel you're ready. Constantly continue to fill your oil lamp with service, love and charity towards others.

5th Day before Easter


Jesus taught people in the temple and on the Mount of Olives.

One of His disciples, Judas Iscariot Agreed to turn Jesus over to the priests in Exchange for 30 silver coins.

Now I know at some point in all our lives we have asked ourselves, "How could someone, not just anyone, but a witness of Christ, betray him for money." I'm sure when we think about it, we're not only mortified but disgusted at the thought. And yet - How many times to we deny our testimony for wordly things like money, acceptance, and pride? Think about this next time you hear this story. It is my prayer that we never sell our Savior out in exchange for riches of the world.

Don't sell your testimony for empty promises.

Monday, April 18, 2011

6th Day before Easter


After finding people buying and selling things in the temple, Jesus questioned, “Is it not written, My house shall be called... the house of prayer?” After making the merchants leave he blessed and healed many including the lame and the blind. Christ went through the streets, blessing and healing all those he saw in need. Many people reached out to him, in absolute faith that he could save them from whatever turmoil they faced, he was mindful each one that needed him. I often think what it would be like to be one of those people, would I have the faith that those people did? Would I believe? I think I would. I think that I would feel his spirit and want to go to him for comfort. I think, "How amazing would that be? If only I was there..." Then I realize, he is always with me if I let him. He is always there to succor to me, and lift all my burdens as long as I am willing to go to him for help, just as the people in Jerusalem did almost 2000 years ago.

Jealous priests were angry and plotted to destroy Him.

7th Day before Easter

On Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem from Bethany on a donkey. People recognized Him as their King shouting, “Hosanna,” and laying palm leaves in front of the donkey to keep dust off the Savior. He visited the temple and then returned to Bethany.
By choosing to ride into Jerusalem, Jesus—his very name meaning that he would save his people—announced that he was the prophesied King, having salvation. Therefore, the believing, ecstatic Jews greeted him with “Hosanna!”—a word that means please save!—and shouted, “Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.” (Mark 11:7–10; Luke 19:35–38.) (“This Day Is This Scripture Fulfilled” By Keith Meservy)

He was truly a Christ and his ride into Jerusalem was the beginning of his ministry to the people.
be there at the second coming, to feel the prints in his hands and feet. To also become a special witness.

I am so grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ and I would like to think I would be one to shout Hosanna as he rode into Jerusalem because, I KNOW I will when he comes again. :) I pray to be worthy to

Sunday, April 17, 2011

8th Day Before Easter


On Saturday, in preparation for Passover only 6 days away, many people Visited Jerusalem to offer sacrifices at the Temple. Jesus walked to Bethany, a nearby village, and stayed five nights with his friends, Lazarus, Mary and Martha. It was during this time Mary Anointed Jesus’s feet with Oil.

John 12:1 (I stole this from Mormon.org but I loved it so much I want to post it as well)


Those who are closest to me know that every year, I participate in the Christian observance of Lent. This is a time of prayer, repentance and self-denial. It lasts for 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter. I first heard of Lent it was in a movie (Chocolat, staring Johnny Depp – worth the rental) and I thought, “Hmmm… looks hard, I wonder if I could do that.”

So the first year, I gave up diet coke. Lasted about 5 days before I gave up. The second year, I did give up diet coke for the entire 40 days but after the withdrawals that consisted of shaking, headaches and cold sweats, it was out of my system and I didn’t even crave it anymore. Then last year, I gave up all processed sugar. No candy, cakes, cookies, anything dessert like. It was really hard because I worked in an office where that stuff was everywhere! It was really hard but also really cool. I was constantly tempted to give in, which means I was constantly reminded why I wasn’t. . . I started to really think about what Lent meant to Christians.

According to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Christ spent 40 days in the desert FASTING before the beginning of his public ministry. There in the dessert, according to the Christian faith, he was tempted by Satan. Which was true but also, we know from the Joseph Smith Translation that he went into the dessert “to be with God” (Matthew 4:1) I believe that Jesus went into the wilderness to fast and be counseled by his Father what he was about to endure in the coming weeks. At that point, I realized that Lent meant so much more to me than I thought. I took that time to really reflect on what the Savior went through those 40 days before his ministry and the ultimate sacrifice of the Atonement, persecution, his crucifixion and of course his Resurrection on that Easter morning.

Christ spent those 40 days in the dessert to help him receive strength to endure the offering of his Atoning sacrifice for us. I took it that these 40 days as a chance for me to pray, repent, and fast to help prepare me to ACCEPT the Atonement in my life. Now, I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I do take the sacrament every week, and I fast on fast Sundays. But I want to do something extra this holy month. I feel it brings me even closer to the Savior during this month we reflect on his life, ministry and the sacrifice. I encourage the rest of you to try some aspects of the faith of our brothers and sisters in other religions to strengthen your testimony of the love our Savior, Jesus Christ has for ALL his children. . .

Maybe someday, I will be brave enough to try Ramadan. . . =)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Family Prayer

I can't think of a better way to end the day then gathering around as a family and saying family prayer. It doesn't happen very often for me because my family is gone by the time I wake up and asleep by the time I get home. But I always look forward to it Thursday nights, since my parents come home late from singing in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and on the weekends as well.

Family prayer is such a great way to gather together as a family and pour our hearts out to our Heavenly Father about our gratitude for our blessings, and join our faith together for the trials that we face as individuals and as family members. I am so grateful for my parents.
They are just the most wonderful people in the world.

My beautiful mother who is SO FUNNY and witty, cool and classy, spiritual and intelligent. My sister and I call her "Word Girl." (the pbs show. We say it with the flourish too) She is the smartest person I know! She is my best friend and my confidant. You will never find a more spiritually in-tuned person. She is the quintessential Mother in Zion. She helps everyone with anything they need and I owe my entire life to this selfless woman! I love her with all my being! She deserves a first class ticket to the celestial kingdom (if only for the mere fact, she raised such a perfect daughter:)

As for my dad, "Fajah" I call him. There are no words to describe how much I look up to that man. He is everything a father should be (even though he could never change a oil or fix a leak in a pipe). I sometimes take for granted the power he holds in our home as the patriarch of our family. He leads and guides and gives the most incredible counsel. If he's awake when I get home, I will go sit on his bed and wait for him to put down his book to talk. Now my Dad doesn't sleep very well at night so he takes Ambien to sleep. It. Is. HILARIOUS!!! He gets so drugged out and will usually fall asleep with his book on his face... but sometimes, if I'm lucky, he'll be coherent enough for our tradition of "5 Questions." I can ask my dad any 5 questions and he'll discuss each answer with me whether it be a Doctrinal question, early childhood question, current events, or HIS thoughts on what the future will bring. Usually he falls asleep after the 3rd question but I count myself blessed for his knowledge and counsel on those matters we discussed in the 3. My most spiritual moments have happened with my dad and I know a lot of others can say the same thing, he is truly a man of God. It really makes a difference to go to sleep knowing the priesthood is always present in your home.

Usually after family prayer, we will sing a hymn. For many many years (after my sibs moved out) our family nights consisted of gathering around the piano and singing hymn after hymn. I will treasure those moments forever. I am so grateful for the spirit that music brings into our lives and family. It brings us closer together and it reaffirms my faith that THIS was the family I was supposed to be sent to here on earth. I LOVE you guys!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just Some Joys in My Life

I have a lot of joys in my life. A lot! I have great friends, a wonderful family, a great sense of humor, and a killer head of hair...

However, there is SOMETHING about a new toothbrush that brings a smile to my face and comfort to my heart. I know it's such a small insignificant thing but seriously, when I buy a new toothbrush, I cannot WAIT to get home to take it for a spin around the bicuspids =) The first brush is the most important. You need to get a sense of the toothbrush. Go slowly, introduce the toothbrush to every tooth. Take your time. There's no rush. It will be your best friend that gets to visit you at least 120 times. I’m just saying. That new friend can save you from hundreds of dollars in the long run. Not a whole lot of friends can do that for you… That's the reality ;)

Another joy in my life is my pillow. I LOVE my pillow. It has this new pillow case that I just got that seems to say, “Come relax… I’ll take care of everything…” I have three pillows on my bed… I only use two. If that. So why do I have the third you ask, well the thing is – I have no idea. It just stays at my side. Just like another good friend. Wow… this blog is like an onion... or Cindy Lauper's hair… so… so many layers.

Another joy in my life is when I have a fresh, clean, warm towel right after a shower… Oh, that is just a wonderful feeling! So great!

So those are some things that bring absolute joy in my life! What about you???