Thursday, September 26, 2013

Little Angels

Well, I'm back. Yes. yes. I know it has been a loooong time since I have blogged. Over a year, in fact.

Well, a lot has happened and I got outta the habit of writing down my personal life to the public. I'm really going to try and be better. Instead of catching up on all the drama that IS my life, I am just going to start from today.

Yesterday, I got to spend the day with AMAZING little 9-week-old babies! My best firned, Natalie Godnick recently had twins - TWINS!! There are TWO OF THEM!!! It's been a HUGE, crazy adventure for her but  you've never seen prouder parents in your life.  They are so cute with them!

Natalie is the best mommy in the entire world and I love watching her take care of them! Dustin is just as proud and so cute with them. He is always saying, "Daddy loves you so much." And calls little Sierra his princess (it's painfully obvious that he loves her more than Ryker, but that usually how daddy's are with their little girls). 

I had SO much fun with them! They are both so cute and so sweet. (You know, unlike the crazy mean, blood thirsty babies out there...)  They don't feel very well right now, with stomach issues. We think it hurts Ryker to eat.  He takes a few sips and then starts crying.  It's so heart breaking.  He was crying SO hard for like 15 minutes then just passed out. Poor little tyke... wore himself out....

I was Super Aunt, I'm not going to lie. I had both babies in my arms and they both fell fast asleep.  I just held them for almost two hours.  I was so happy!  Honestly, I haven't been that happy in a really long time. 

I can't wait to be a mom - OK, STRIKE THAT!!!! Yes, yes I can wait.... :-/ For those of you that know me... I love my sleep more than most people... 

I am so grateful to be an aunty to these precious little angels and can't to watch them grow up!! ;)


  1. They're PERFECT!! I have a blog too...

  2. AHHHH THIS IS SO SWEET!!! I'm so glad you love my babies! (For now) I love love love that comic picture

  3. I loooove your babies Nat!! (... for now) lol
