I was first introduced to WinCo April 2009. My friend took me there to break my Lent Fast. I had given up sugar for 40 days. To break it, he took me to WinCo where I was introduced to their Bulk Candy section. I’ve never gone anywhere else for candy, chocolate covered banana chips or bird seed ($0.38 per lbs.)! They have everything you could want in bulk. It’s pretty fabulous. So now, whenever we need a candy fix, we go to WinCo.
Well, a couple months ago, my co-worker brought in the BEST bagels I’ve ever had!!! Guess where she got them? That’s right, Baby – WINCO!!! So today, I had to drop my mom off at work at 6:15am. I don’t start work till 7 but I’m a stickler when it comes to punctuality. However, I decided I would have time to run to Winco and get everyone a bagel for breakfast. SO! I RUN into Winco, I RUN run to the bagels, grab 12 delicious bagels and RUN to the back to get cream cheese. Grabbed the cream cheese and RUN to the front and oh my gosh, this WOMAN!!!! 6:30am and she had 2 CARTS FULL OF GROCERIES!!!! And like a million things of produce so the check out person was going SO SLOW!!! Now comes the worst part....
THERE WAS ONE PERSON CHECKING OUT!!!! ONE PERSON!!!!!! I had three things! THREE!!! I asked, "Excuse me, is there anyone who can come check me out." And she said, "I'm sorry, they're all stocking." I was SO MAD!!!! I was like, "EFF THIS!" Threw my bagels up in the air, chucked the big tub of plain cream cheese and the checkout person and the veggie cream at the woman with the groceries and RAN OUT THE DOOR!!!!
Ok, so that didn’t happen but it should’ve gone down like that!!!! I was so angry as I set my bagels down and RAN out the door, leaving them behind – at the mercy of the Orcs!!!
I was FUMING the whole way to work!!! I was so mad when I got here and told everyone how disappointed I was in WinCo!
Baaaaaaad customer service! It would take 2 seconds to call someone else to check you out! Annoying. That's so lame. I need candy from their bulk candy section now...
I'd be more mad at the woman than the checker.